V1 Blog

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Are We in the End Times?

With so much happening in the world, it is easy to feel uncertain about what the future has in store. For many people, the end of the world must be near because it feels like we are living in the last days. A recent sermon by Pastor Mike Signorelli examines what the Bible actually says about the signs of the end times and how believers should respond.

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Reaching a Lost and Dying World for Jesus

In today's society, people are drowning in confusion and despair. The great commission given from Christ to all of His followers is to go out into all the world and preach the gospel message. In times of great darkness it can be challenging because evil threatens to engulf our families and communities, however, God has given us the ability to reach a lost and dying world.

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Imitate God

What if instead of calling ourselves Christians we called ourselves Christ imitators? As we explore Ephesians 5, we see the Apostle Paul start off the chapter urging the people in Ephesus to imitate God.

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Slave Or A Prisoner, Which Are You?

You will either be a slave to sin or a prisoner to Jesus Christ. It is one or the other. The question we must ask ourselves is which one am I?

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You Have a Divine Assignment

When we take a deeper look at Ephesians 3, we see it is a message from the Apostle Paul, who is writing from prison. In the letter, he speaks to the importance of one's divine assignment while maintaining spiritual growth and a true commitment to Christ.

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Redeemed through Faith

A study on Ephesians 2 showcases the transformation that occurs when one goes from living in sin to embracing life in Christ.

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Ephesians Parallels Today’s Church

In a sermon series unpacking the book of Ephesians, Pastor Mike Signorelli begins by giving his church a look into the spiritual and cultural context of the Ephesian church.

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Going from a Secret Life into the Secret Place

It is very common to hear of people who live secret lives and suffer the consequences of it. However, we do not always hear about those whose lives are impacted by the time they spend in the secret place. Many of the Bible giants spoke of the importance of the secret place and as a result of their time in the secret place, we know and admire them today.

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God Will Do It Again

Challenges and pain are not pleasant but they can lead to new revelations and opportunities. As believers, it is important to face life's obstacles with God knowing that the same God who got us through before will do it again!

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Can The World See Your Change?

Many people profess Christianity today but their lives do not model the transformation that comes in Christ. Later in his life, the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to Timothy where he gave his young disciple clear instructions on what true Christianity looked like.

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Deliver Me from Modern-Day Idolatry

Idolatry isn't just about physical idols; it involves anything that we prioritize over God. This could include our identity, ambitions, or possessions, which can distract us from our relationship with Jesus. However, God has given His people wisdom to cause us not to fall into the pit of idolatry.

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Who Is Satan?

In a sermon series titled Ghost, V1 Church learned about Satan's identity, origin, and influence in the world.

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True Discipleship is The Domino Effect

In a sermon titled “The Domino Effect” Pastor Mike Signorelli discusses true discipleship as instructed by Christ. Where there is discipleship, there will be a domino effect.

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Five Phases In God’s Plan

We often hear about God allowing suffering but if we explore why God allows suffering, we see a five-phase plan from God that goes from a plan, promise, preparation to peril, and ultimately the pinnacle.

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The True Meaning of the Blood of Jesus

In a sermon titled, “The True Meaning of The Blood of Jesus” Pastor Mike Signorelli taught V1 Church the real significance of the blood of Christ. He highlighted three qualities of the blood that serve as protective and redemptive signs for the Christians.

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Move Forward Now

In a sermon titled, “You will move forward now,” Pastor Mike Signorelli singled out three key reasons why Christians do not progress. There is great importance in being distinct, believers are encouraged to influence the world rather than conforming to it. 

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The Elephant, the Donkey, or the Dove

During election season people often forget that regardless of what political party they endorse, their allegiance is always to Christ above anything.

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Before God Promotes You

Promotion from God is linked to a believer's spiritual growth. In a sermon series titled: “I Have Decided”, Pastor Mike Signorelli teaches that promotion is defined by God alone. Although many people define promotion in terms of financial or material gains, true promotion is about the prosperity of the soul. It is becoming more like Christ and being transformed into His image and likeness.

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Will You Pass God’s Test?

In the sermon titled “How am I going to pass God’s test?” Pastor Mike Signorelli explores the concept of passing God's tests, using biblical stories and personal testimonies to illustrate the spiritual significance of trials.

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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

People often ask the question, why does God allow suffering and evil? To answer that we have to take a look at free will, divine sovereignty, and the purpose of pain in human growth.

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