V1 Blog

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Jesus and Leviticus

Pastor Mike Signorelli explores Leviticus’ dietary and purity laws (Leviticus 11-15), which protected Israel and reflected God’s care for their whole lives. Jesus redefines defilement in Mark 7:14–23 as internal, not external, fulfilling the law. Peter’s vision in Acts 10 opens salvation to all, breaking clean/unclean barriers. Signorelli cautions against legalism, emphasizing inner transformation through Christ.

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Jeannie Ortega Law Jeannie Ortega Law

Keep the Fire Burning

Pastor Mike Signorelli urges Christians to ditch passive faith and win souls. Leviticus 6:13 and Jesus’ example (Mark 1:35) show believers must fuel a holy fire via evangelism, empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). As darkness grows (2 Timothy 1:6), true maturity (Proverbs 11:30) is sharing the Gospel, not seeking comfort.

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Finding Victory Through Celebration

Pastor Mike Signorelli urges Christians to celebrate amid adversity. Leviticus 23 shows Israel’s feasts rewired joy, while Psalm 23:5 casts God as host amid enemies. Linking praise to neuroplasticity, he sees it breaking negativity, proven by personal trials and Jehoshaphat’s worship victory.

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Discern the Time

V1 Church is kicking off the new year with the series Daily Dose. Just as our bodies need daily vitamins, likewise, it is imperative to have a dose of daily spiritual disciplines to help Christ's followers stay encouraged in the Lord.

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The Enemy of Peace

If worrying about tomorrow has threatened your peace for today, the Bible offers guidance on how to break free from anxiety and embrace the gift of living fully in the present.

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The God of Second Chances

In a recent sermon by Pastor Mike Signorelli the V1 church leader referenced the holiday classic "It's a Wonderful Life" to illustrate the human condition and the concept of unfairness in life. The reality is that life is not fair and the expectations of people are often unmet. Christ followers must understand that challenges and feelings of inadequacy are part of the shared human experience but that we have a redeemer in Christ who gives us many chances.

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Jeannie Ortega Law Jeannie Ortega Law

Be a Mary Before a Martha

The Biblical account of Mary and Martha has always made for a good bible lesson on the tension between service and devotion. We have often heard that we should strive to be a devoted servant only, however, we are also called to be of service. Prioritizing intimacy with Jesus, like Mary did, is essential but in that intimacy is where we are ultimately released for service. So how do we strike the right balance between both?

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The Trap of Isolation

Isolation has been a primary tactic used by the devil since the beginning of time. In society today, cultural forces lead us to isolation as well, which in turn, has undermined our faith.

In a sermon given by Pastor Mike Signorelli titled: “Is Satan Attacking YOU With This ?!” The apostolic leader said the “greatest strategy” of Satan is not porn or addictions, it is isolation. As we see in various scenarios, isolation is used as a form of punishment because of what it does to the human psyche.

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Guard the Gates

Your thoughts matter and have extreme consequences. Guarding the gates of your mind will help you embrace your God-given identity and walk in the freedom God intended for you to have.

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Breaking Free from Lies

If you want to inherit your freedom you must embrace God and His truth about you. For those who are in Christ, the Bible says you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). To build your identity in Christ you must discover your true worth through His eyes. In doing so, the lies in your life are dismantled and the truth becomes your foundation.

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Overcome False Identity Labels

Have you ever heard someone say the phrase: “Shame On You”? Those three words carry so much weight and can completely inform someone's identity. So often we take comments like that or labels people give us and mold them into who we become. As Christians and new creations in Christ Jesus, shame is never put on us, it’s quite the opposite. “Shame Off You” is the believer's inheritance!

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Marriage Is a Covenant, Not Just a Commitment

Marriage is a covenant, not just a commitment but in a time where the divorce rate is just as prominent amongst Christians as it is with non-Christians we must define the importance of keeping our vow to God first and then each other.

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Are We in the End Times?

With so much happening in the world, it is easy to feel uncertain about what the future has in store. For many people, the end of the world must be near because it feels like we are living in the last days. A recent sermon by Pastor Mike Signorelli examines what the Bible actually says about the signs of the end times and how believers should respond.

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Reaching a Lost and Dying World for Jesus

In today's society, people are drowning in confusion and despair. The great commission given from Christ to all of His followers is to go out into all the world and preach the gospel message. In times of great darkness it can be challenging because evil threatens to engulf our families and communities, however, God has given us the ability to reach a lost and dying world.

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Imitate God

What if instead of calling ourselves Christians we called ourselves Christ imitators? As we explore Ephesians 5, we see the Apostle Paul start off the chapter urging the people in Ephesus to imitate God.

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Slave Or A Prisoner, Which Are You?

You will either be a slave to sin or a prisoner to Jesus Christ. It is one or the other. The question we must ask ourselves is which one am I?

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You Have a Divine Assignment

When we take a deeper look at Ephesians 3, we see it is a message from the Apostle Paul, who is writing from prison. In the letter, he speaks to the importance of one's divine assignment while maintaining spiritual growth and a true commitment to Christ.

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Redeemed through Faith

A study on Ephesians 2 showcases the transformation that occurs when one goes from living in sin to embracing life in Christ.

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Ephesians Parallels Today’s Church

In a sermon series unpacking the book of Ephesians, Pastor Mike Signorelli begins by giving his church a look into the spiritual and cultural context of the Ephesian church.

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Going from a Secret Life into the Secret Place

It is very common to hear of people who live secret lives and suffer the consequences of it. However, we do not always hear about those whose lives are impacted by the time they spend in the secret place. Many of the Bible giants spoke of the importance of the secret place and as a result of their time in the secret place, we know and admire them today.

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