Be a Mary Before a Martha


The Biblical account of Mary and Martha has always made for a good bible lesson on the tension between service and devotion. We have often heard that we should strive to be a devoted servant only, however, we are also called to be of service. Prioritizing intimacy with Jesus, like Mary did, is essential but in that intimacy is where we are ultimately released for service. So how do we strike the right balance between both?

Receiving Before Doing

The story of Jesus’ encounter with Lazarus sisters Mary and Martha is found in Luke 10:38–42.

The text says Jesus came to Martha’s house. Many Christians today fall into the "Martha trap,” focusing on activity and control while neglecting a deep, personal relationship with Christ. In a sermon titled: “Becoming like Mary before Martha,” V1 Church leader Mike Signorelli emphasizes the importance of becoming a Mary first – sitting at Jesus' feet, learning, and receiving – before engaging in service as Martha did. It's not about avoiding service, but about the priority and motivation behind it.

In the passage, Martha displays an unhealthy independence. Perhaps it stemmed from the responsibility of her being the head of the household (Luke 10:38). Her independence got the best of her and when she noticed her sister was not helping out in the house but rather sitting at Jesus' feet, she decided to try and tell Jesus what to do.

“Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” —Luke 10:40

If we are being honest, we can all have the tendency to want to tell Jesus what to do at times. Especially in western civilization, our privilege results in entitlement because we are used to being in control. Like Martha, we too are wired to find significance in serving. Pastor Mike argues that some people come to church "not in search of intimacy with Jesus” but rather to find out what they can do in the house of God.

Criticizing Is an Identity Issue

Martha’s critical spirit came as a result of her being more concerned with what Mary was doing than herself. Jesus rebuked Martha because she complained about Mary but she herself was anxious over many things. She had an identity issue. True service should flow from a place of deep intimacy with Christ.

Sitting at Jesus' feet, listening, and learning was the better priority at that moment. "It's not about being a Martha or being a Mary, it's about being a Mary before you become a Martha," the apostolic minister emphasized. A flawed identity can cloud one's perception of reality. What Mary chose was better in the moment. Jesus did not tell Martha not to do the housework, He told her to prioritize. We as Christian all need to be like Mary and start at His feet.

"The problem is when you have a whole church full of Martha’s: when they go to Jesus, it's not about themselves; it's about Mary," Pastor Mike pointed out.

Instead of competing and criticizing like Martha did, we should emulate the positive qualities in others. We are to emulate the Mary’s of the world instead of separating ourselves. Jealousy will separate us. Martha should have seen Mary and been reminded of her first priority. Christ followers are to sit at His feet and deflect the glory. The longer we listen to Jesus the more we conform to His ways.

True Worship

Later in John 12 we learn of Mary’s extravagant act of Worship. She poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet. Judas, one of Jesus' followers who would go on to betray him, criticized Mary's extravagant “waste” revealing his own selfish motives.

"I believe that people like Mary who extravagantly worship Jesus will always cause people to manifest demons all around them," Pastor Mike stated. "Stop trying to control and break that alabaster box and release the fragrance of a wasted life on Jesus' feet."

As Christ followers we must examine our own motivations for serving in the church and to honestly assess whether we are prioritizing intimacy with Jesus. Make spending time with Jesus a non-negotiable priority, even amidst busy schedules. When we have spent time at the feet of Jesus we will approach church and ministry with a humble attitude, seeking to be changed rather than to change the environment.



About the Author

Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City.  She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at


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