The Trap of Isolation
Isolation has been a primary tactic used by the devil since the beginning of time. In society today, cultural forces lead us to isolation as well, which in turn, has undermined our faith.
In a sermon given by Pastor Mike Signorelli titled: “Is Satan Attacking YOU With This ?!” The apostolic leader said the “greatest strategy” of Satan is not porn or addictions, it is isolation. As we see in various scenarios, isolation is used as a form of punishment because of what it does to the human psyche.
The Antidote to Isolation
The solution to the attack of isolation is to do the opposite. Actively participating in a community and revealing your struggles to other trusted Christians assists us in finding healing through shared experiences. It is important to fight against the temptation to revert and hide away. When you feel like isolating, don’t, instead congregate. Scripture is clear that we were created for community and we need each other.
Jesus intercedes for His followers to come into unity (John 17:21–24). Scripture also says when we confess our sins to each other, we're “healed." When things come out into the light, there is great healing, but our instinct is to isolate when we feel ashamed, as Adam and Eve did in the garden after they ate of the forbidden fruit.
The church is seen as a vital space for healing and revelation through community. Christ followers are to overcome personal preferences and embrace unity in the body of believers. A tactic of the enemy is to make you feel alone even when you are around other believers. A Godly community will call you up.
Worldly Software vs. Holy Spirit
Our upbringing informs our world view. Pastor Mike listed three forms of “software” that exist today that are designed to push us into some form of isolation.
Hedonism - The belief that life exists for our pleasure and purpose
Narcissism - The unholy trinity of: Me, myself and I. The belief that people exist for self-pleasure alone. Real marriage is the act of submitting one to another, but narcissists only want to be served. Narcissists also overly obsess about themselves.
Agnosticism - The belief that God may exist but He’s unknowable and He's not really involved in people’s individual lives.
Pastor Mike says we need the gifts of the Spirit to avoid falling into the “software” traps of today. Serving others is the cure for narcissism and self-obsession.
"The medication that you're given by God is serving other's helping you more than you're helping it, because it's the medicine for narcissism," the V1 church leader insisted.
When there is unity within the church it leads to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and God's approval. "The approval of God is always evident when fire always falls when God is approving,” he added, referencing Acts 2 verse 1–4, the unity that was present on the day of Pentecost.
Believers must return to core principles of discipleship, evangelism, and prioritizing spiritual growth over personal preferences. It is in that posture of unity and community that the presence of God falls. Only the blood of Jesus is sufficient to bring us together.
Kids today are being discipled in school by Babylon’s anti-Christ doctrines. Russia banned the teaching of evolution in every school because politicians claimed this leads to agnosticism, then atheism, then nihilism. Pastor Mike concluded by saying nihilism ultimately leads to the woke agenda today of gender confusion.
V1 Church grew because of discipleship, not isolation, and it will continue to lead the lost to the Cross at any cost.
About the Author
Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City. She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at
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