The God of Second Chances


It’s important to hold on to hope when everything in life seems hopeless and unfair. In order to stay encouraged we must discover the power of second chances and embrace the possibility of a renewed life despite past mistakes or current struggles.

In a recent sermon by Pastor Mike Signorelli the V1 church leader referenced the holiday classic "It's a Wonderful Life" to illustrate the human condition and the concept of unfairness in life. The reality is that life is not fair and the expectations of people are often unmet. Christ followers must understand that challenges and feelings of inadequacy are part of the shared human experience but that we have a redeemer in Christ who gives us many chances.

Adam Failed but Jesus Redeemed

By drawing on the story of Adam and Eve, the apostolic leader highlights the inherent human tendency to desire what is forbidden and to fall short of perfection. The human condition is always wanting what you don't have. God told Adam and Eve not to eat from a specific tree in the garden of Eden and that became the tree they wanted the most. We regularly see single people craving marriage but once married, begin craving alone time.

The Mosaic Law found in the Old Testament reveals God's holiness but also exposes humanity's inability to meet those standards. Due to that reality we have two types of religious people, self-righteous folks who manage to follow some rules, and rebellious self-deprecating people who live in torment because they can't live up to the law.

"People say Christ came to abolish the law but that is not true, He actually came to fulfill it because the law in fact revealed to us the heart of the Father. It revealed to us how we ought to be. It revealed to us how we ought to live our life, but let me just tell you the unintended consequence of the law was that in it revealing the Holiness of God, it actually revealed how unholy we are," Pastor Mike shared.

The perfect law reveals to us our inability to live up to it. The first Adam sinned, Jesus came into the earth as the second Adam and His perfect obedience and sacrifice at the cross reconciled us to God. Christ didn't come to abolish the law. Christ offers a path to redemption through His perfect obedience and sacrifice. The central theme of second chances was birth from what Christ did on the cross. It is God who offers forgiveness and new beginnings regardless of past failures.

“His perfect obedience and His sacrifice on the cross made a way for Humanity to be reconciled to God," the minister declared.

In Lamentations chapter 3:22 and 23 it says the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning! The scripture speaks to God’s heart to forgive and allow for us to be justified in Christ.

“Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.” —Romans 5:18

He’s the God of second chances. You may have fallen into condemnation, turned away from God, you feel like dying but you are not dead because you are not done. When we are faithless, Jesus is faithful. Embracing Christ is becoming a new creation, the old has passed away and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Fight Self Sabotage

Sometimes when there are no problems in our life we try to make problems because it is what we are used to. In the film, “It’s a Wonderful Like” the lead character George Bailey wants to end it all in an act of self sabotage but then an angel intervenes and shows him what would have happened in the world around Him had he not been born. When George realizes his impact in the lives of so many he shouts “Please God let me live again!”

If God could take a moment and show you life without you in it, you likewise would see how valuable you really are. You've encouraged people when you needed to be encouraged, you helped others, you gave when you were without. People battle self worth and the enemy uses whatever he can to bring discouragement. Even Mary, beloved mother of Jesus did not see herself worthy of bearing the son of God but the angel affirmed who she was.

Embracing the gospel of Jesus is knowing that nothing we do makes us better. We must get to a place of complete surrender. Say “Lord have your way and teach me” and once in that posture, you realize He’s the God of second chances.

The following are declarations we must hold on to when feeling hopeless:

The world rejects and He restores
The world cancels and He recreates
The world pronounces death and He declares resurrection
The world says ‘You are done’ and He says ‘You are just getting started’
The world destroys and Jesus rebuilds
The world defiles and Jesus purifies
The world curses and Jesus blesses
The world fears and Jesus encourages
The world says ‘No’ and Jesus is crying ‘Yes’
The world sins and Jesus saves
The world denys and He provides
The world is blind and Jesus is our sight
The world is cold and Jesus is fire
The world is lost and Jesus still finds
The world is dark and Jesus is the light
The world is hopeless and Jesus is joy
The world is heavy and Jesus brings rest
The world is broken and Jesus brings healing
The world is silent and Jesus speaks life
The world forgets but Jesus remembers
The world is in despair and Jesus delivers
The world is selfish but Jesus gives abundantly
The world closes its doors and Jesus opens the Heavens
The world is in chaos but Jesus is peace
The world clings to the temporary but Jesus is eternal
In a world full of fools we are fools for Jesus
The world denies Jesus but we are the proof that not all deny

True transformation comes through surrendering to God's will and accepting His grace, not through self-effort. Lay everything down at His feet and embrace your second chance to live life fully again!



About the Author

Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City.  She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at


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