V1 Blog
Don’t Curse Your Blessings
Sometimes when things are going haywire in your own life it is difficult to find something to be grateful for. God, in His infinite mercy, does not hold it against us. He still wakes us up and amazingly enough even allows for us to use the very breath that He’s breathing life into us with, to sigh in ungratefulness. Nevertheless, even when you do not feel like praising God, you can praise Him for what He’s done in the generations before you because it’s the reason you are here today!
Break the Curse of Dysfunctional Family
The genealogy of Jesus Christ has a lot to teach us about how God uses even dysfunctional family lines to bring forth His plans. During a sermon series over the holidays Pastor Mike Signorelli talked about God's plan even through family trauma. For V1 Church and the body of Christ at large it’s important for everyone to know that you have the authority to break the curse and leave a righteous legacy in Christ regardless of what family background you came from.
What Do My Dreams Mean?
Every human being has on average four dreams a night. You may not remember every dream, but they are a big part of our lives. And God can use dreams to communicate with us. It’s important to know how to interpret your dreams.
Finding Meaning in the Everyday: 8 Ways to Get More Out of Life
Americans’ happiness levels hit new lows last year, with a University of Chicago study cited by NBC News finding just 14% calling themselves “very happy” with their lives in 2020. That’s not exactly surprising. But it is disappointing. Too many of us can’t seem to find meaning in everyday life.
What Is My Purpose?
What is my life’s purpose? This question resounds in the back of our minds while we do the mundane tasks of life. The day-in and day-out routines of work, caring for children, waiting in traffic, preparing meals often have us asking, “Is this all there is?”
How to Restore a Relationship
We are great at generating conflict but not great at resolving it. In fact, we learned a lot of things in school, but resolving conflict was likely not one of them. So, how do you resolve a conflict in a relationship when the gap seems too big and things seem too far gone? We have five ways.
Live A Spirit Filled Life
Did you know that there are three types of people? There’s the Natural, Carnal, and Spirit Filled person. As you read through the descriptions of each type, honestly assess which one you identify with the most. What do these descriptions reveal about areas of your life that you’ve been struggling with?
How to Overcome Stress
Over 70% of Americans report that they struggle with stress. Stress is widespread but few have found healthy ways to deal with it.
V1 Church: Living Up to Our Reputation as a Generous Church
The V1 Church congregation is nothing if not diverse. We come from all backgrounds and all walks of life. But we have much to unite us as well.
The Mystery of God’s Voice
We’ve been in a three part series on how to hear the voice of God. First, we covered methods. Then we discussed motives. This week, we will talk about mystery.