Reaching a Lost and Dying World for Jesus
In today's society, people are drowning in confusion and despair. The great commission given from Christ to all of His followers is to go out into all the world and preach the gospel message. In times of great darkness it can be challenging because evil threatens to engulf our families and communities, however, God has given us the ability to reach a lost and dying world.
For many people lost in the world, sin may not feel like death, it may feel exhilarating in the moment. Still, in the end it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). One night stands, adultery, perversion, drugs, getting drunk, eating unhealthy etc..those things have become normalized in today's western culture. Still, each one leads to regret, shame, and death physically or spiritually. The importance of making a covenant has become skewed which is why 50% of marriages end in divorce.
Gratification Is Not Your Identity
In a sermon series titled: “God Dreams” Pastor Mike Signorelli charged people of God seeking to reach a dying world to first examine themselves and heal. The V1 church leader recalled the many years he sported a punk rocker look while in church, not because of personal style, but because he was seeking attention. Likewise, he says the orphan spirit has caused many Christians to be like the dying world. He cited that wanting to identify as several genders and different pronouns is a symptom of the orphan spirit today.
Believers need to know that the things that may bring gratification to our flesh does not equal our identity. In the Bible, we learn that sexual perversion is sinful and should be avoided but if led by gratification, people convince themselves that what is wrong, is right.
The message of the gospel is to die to ourselves. Jesus said when you lose your life that's when you’ll find it (Matthew 10:39). The Christian is not to be led by self-gratification but by instead Christ.
“The world is drowning in the temporary pleasure of sin, unaware of the consequences of it,” Pastor Mike explained. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord according to Romans 6:23.
The solution to the darkness in the world is Christ but how would the world not know the answer if there is no real example of Him through His followers? Those who are not filled with The Holy Spirit do not understand the ways of God. Followers of Jesus are called to die to self so that the spirit of Christ can lead in us. This death is not only spiritual but a relational death as well.
Relational Death
Sin has consequences. In the short term, sin can offer exhilaration but in the long term that becomes annihilation. There is a permanent consequence to temporary satisfaction and all of our relationships are affected by it. People who suffer with addiction have seen firsthand how addiction brings destruction to their relationships.
“Sin is a slow poison,” Pastor Mike warns. And while sin can impact those around you the same is the truth for making the right decisions. The more real Jesus is to you the more real he becomes to the people in your life. Make it a purpose to host the holy ghost so that people will know you are a follower of Christ without you even having to share that with them.
Believers should not act like the world around them because it will ruin our witness of Christ.
Pastor Mike advises that if you want to say the F-word, say forgiveness instead, The D-word say deliverance, The S-word – say salvation.
Christians must decrease in our own nature and ways as Christ increases in our lives.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
Before coming to church and ministering on a stage to the bride of Christ, spouses should endeavor to minister to your bride, husband or family at home. The world around you should know you have been with Jesus by the way you carry yourself. People could tell Peter and John had been with Jesus.
Jesus said he didn't come to the world to be served but to serve others. The message of the cross is for us to learn to how to serve each other and in doing what we can reach a lost and dying world with the message of true hope in Christ.
About the Author
Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City. She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at
At V1 Church we believe in teaching Bible-based relationship principles so that you can your family can be strengthened. Connect with us using one of the links below – we’d love to see you and help you walk through the process of reconciliation.