Imitate God


What if instead of calling ourselves Christians we called ourselves Christ imitators? As we explore Ephesians 5, we see the Apostle Paul start off the chapter urging the people in Ephesus to imitate God.

In verse 1, Paul employs Mimetes (Μιμητές), a Greek word that means imitation or mimicking someone's actions. The verse reads: “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children”. There is a popular quote that states: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” in this case, imitation is linked to one's surrender to God.

Do Not Delete Godly Leadership

In 1 Corinthians 4:16, Paul also says to imitate him as He follows Christ. Accountability from a leader brings transformation. People try to delete leadership but submission to good leaders brings forth great maturity in God.

As a believer who wishes to fulfill the great commission and go out and win the lost for Christ, we have to keep in mind that it is easier to remember what someone does than what they say.

If someone imitated your actions how much of it would truly reflect Christ? Many times Paul went out of his way to model the right behavior for the church so that they too can replicate what they saw him doing (2 Thessalonians 3:7–10).

At V1 Church, Pastor Mike Signorelli is the senior pastor but his group of leadership is very diverse. He teaches strength in diversity because he knows that there may be someone in his ministry that others identify with more than him.

The ultimate leader to imitate is Jesus. As Christians, we are to wholeheartedly reflect God. We can not say we honor God and then do not do His commands. Pastor Mike encourages his church to practice mimicking God so much that “when people are around you, it’s like they are with God.”

We must decrease as He increases. Decreasing will result in making a way to mimic God.

Micking Leads to Modeling

Ephesians 5 goes on to instruct Christians on how to model Christ-like behavior.

Mimicking is the first phase but then that will turn into modeling, which is the ultimate goal.

The Greek word ginomai (γίνομαι) means "to become" or "to come into existence.” Modeling will be an ongoing process of becoming like Christ. His followers are called to continual growth and transformation. We do not ever arrive on this side of heaven but we will keep getting better. Pastor Mike admits that he is still in the process but also promises that every time someone checks in on him he’ll be more like Jesus.

“May we all do impressions of Him, until none of us is left,” the minister urged. “It’s about Jesus in the morning, afternoon and night.”

Mimic your New Bloodline

Ephesians 5:3–19 Shares instructions on how to be wise and not foolish. The devil wants people to mimic their ancestors and end up the way they did. He wants families to mimic divorce, addiction, perversion and so forth. In Christ, we are a new creation and become a part of His family.

The blood of Jesus creates a new bloodline in the believer. We must mimic Him the best example there could ever be. We must not use our past lineage as a crutch. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. We can learn how to be what we did not see growing up, if we look to God!



About the Author

Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City.  She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at


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