Overcome False Identity Labels
Have you ever heard someone say the phrase: “Shame On You”? Those three words carry so much weight and can completely inform someone's identity. So often we take comments like that or labels people give us and mold them into who we become. As Christians and new creations in Christ Jesus, shame is never put on us, it’s quite the opposite. “Shame Off You” is the believer's inheritance!
Kingdom Identity
As a kingdom believer and someone walking in God, we are given a kingdom identity. A kingdom believer does not have to participate in the chaos of society because our citizenship belongs to the kingdom of God. We are not of this world.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
Throughout our lives, we tend to go through different identities. In the sermon series, “Breaking Free,” Pastor Julie Signorelli likened the journey to identity to the famous Barbie collection which features different kinds of Barbies – beach Barbie, party Barbie, nurse, astronaut…etc. Like those dolls, when people grow from adolescence into adulthood, we too, go through various phases until we come into our own.
People all have a universal longing for significance and belonging. We often make decisions based on the judgments of other people, we even allow those judgments to shape how we see the world. Our identity, however, needs to be secure and stable, rooted in truth and not in temporal things because things change. When studying scripture, we learn that our true identity is in Christ alone and His opinion of who we are in Him remains the same.
Meditate on the following points that scripture makes about who the believer is:
We are:
“A New Creation in Christ”—2 Corinthians 5:17
“Children of God”—John 1:12–13
“Chosen and Adopted”—Ephesians 1:5
“Forgiven and Redeemed”—Colossians 1:14
“Saint, not sinners”—1 Corinthians 1:1–2
“More than Conquerors in Christ”—Romans 8:37
“Have the mind of Christ”—1 Corinthians 2:16
“The Righteousness of Christ—2 Corinthians 5:21
“God's Masterpiece”—Ephesians 2:10
“Royal Priest”—1 Peter 2:9
According to the Bible text, believers are royal but we carry on and treat each other regularly, common and familiar. This ought not to be so. Identity is not just readjusting our perception of ourselves but also that of the identity of others.
Many times we have allowed other people's accusations to inform our identity. The betrayal we face informs our identity because sometimes our spirits are healed but our minds are not. It is important to affirm yourself with the Bible's truth about you.
“You have to stand on the Word, not a word,” Pastor Julie encouraged. “Somebody else's bondage does not have to dictate your freedom.”
Tactics of the Enemy
To keep a victorious mindset about yourself you have to learn the tactics of the enemy. Satan is constantly trying to deceive you into believing a lie about yourself.
Lies and accusations. If the enemy can not get you to doubt what God says about you, he often uses other people's opinions of you to shake you. As a believer in Christ, we walk out our own salvation every day and are growing in God. Many people have outdated versions of who you used to be and try to hold it against you. Encourage yourself in the Lord.
Shame and condemnation. When the Lord is blessing you there will always be hate. The enemy uses the same dirty tricks he just changes the faces. Remember shame is not kingdom vocabulary – it is shame off you not on you!
Go on a journey of healing if you have sinned and fallen short in God. Turn from wickedness and allow God to restore you. Keep in mind that you can not reason with demonic opposition. Someone with a murderous spirit doesn't want reconciliation, give them to God and walk in freedom.Comparison and envy. Do not compare yourself to what others say about you. Compare your worth to God’s Word and the words of those who walk with you and know you. Past wounds and trauma should not shape your identity. There are two identities that are imposing themselves in your life – The true you and old you. You are a new creation in Christ, the old has passed away.
Sometimes there is a gap between what we know and what we believe. In order to be stripped of false identity labels you must believe that you are a child of God. A child of God renews their mind with God's truth. Be committed to seeing what God sees and your actions will align with the word of God.
Pastor Julie declared: “The real you is the free you!”
Break off the lies today and replace them with your true identity as a son and daughter of God!
About the Author
Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City. She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at Info@JeannieO.com
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