Discern the Time


V1 Church is kicking off the new year with the series Daily Dose. Just as our bodies need daily vitamins, likewise, it is imperative to have a dose of daily spiritual disciplines to help Christ's followers stay encouraged in the Lord.

The following mnemonic breakdown for the word dose was introduced in a recent sermon by Pastor Mike Signorelli.

D - Discern the season that you are in
O - Observe and fully embrace today
S - Stay faithful in small things everyday
E - Execute with consistency and intentionality

We all have daily routines and those routines highlight our values. Many times people get burned out not because they are doing the wrong thing but because they may be doing it in the wrong season.

Timing Matters

While reading Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 King Solomon is making it abundantly clear that everything has a timing. Many people are burdened today with anxiety because fear has lied to them about what point and time they are in. For example: Everyone will die. That time is appointed by God but unfortunately, many people are wrapped in fear thinking about when that time is and are not enjoying life now.

A part of spiritual maturity is trusting in God’s appointed time. Satan will always deceive and confuse, even our minds and emotions will try to deceive us. God’s word however will always reveal the truth and encourage us to trust in God’s appointed time.

The Lord sets a rhythm for each of our lives and we must follow that rhythm. Sometimes our studies, social media, or others try to cause us to live based on mere suggestions. Success in God will only come as we live off of His appointed time, not a suggested season.

God's timing is best. For example, if God instructs a person to grab a microphone, He will give that person authority when they speak into it as well, not just noise. Many people fall because they get ahead of God and try to make their own way.

It is not only about yes or no in God, it is about – when sometimes. Discerning our when and trusting God is most beneficial. Resting in His timing will prevent us from being weighed down by unneeded anxiety. Spiritual leaders often instruct those younger in the faith to wait before stepping into their giftings because development is still needed.

Sex can be used as an example of something that can be done in multiple seasons of life but it was not intended for all seasons. Sex out of season is called lust, sex in season, in the confines of a godly marriage, is passion and unity. The Bible says sex out of the relationship of marriage is a sin you commit to your own body but God does not despise sex He created it to populate the world and bring a husband and wife closer. According to several studies, science backs up biblical sex. The surveys revealed that people in monogamous relationships with the opposite sex tend to report higher levels of relationship satisfaction compared to other relationship structures.

The Hebrew word for time is Yeshiva which translates into the word - semester. In Ecclesiastes, the King is saying there is a semester for everything. Pastor Mike warns that just as in a school structure if people of God keep failing these semesters, there will be no graduation.

The Spiritually Immature Rebel

In Numbers 14 the people of Israel cried and mumbled against God’s leaders who had led them out of captivity per God’s instructions. When not trusting in God, people have a bent toward rebelliousness. Pastor Mike assured that those looking for the promises of God need to start using discernment to develop themselves and not others. He said some do not have the spirit of discernment but instead a spirit of criticism. He encouraged people of God to sit at the feet of God and say “not my will but Your will God.”

Jesus similarly spoke to His disciples. In Luke 12:54–56 He asked them how they knew how to predict the weather but they could not discern the signs of the time? Christ's followers need to ask God to help us discern God's will for today. Compromising our values has clouded the minds of God's people, so to understand the time and season we are in, we must give up worldly ways and grow. Come out of the world and be separate, as Jesus has commanded.

“When you become a Christian you don't become sinless but you should sin less and less and less,” Pastor Mike exclaimed.

In Luke, Jesus told the people they spent so much time in the physical realm that they neglected the spiritual one. The world needs mature people of God. Make it a habit to spend at least five minutes a day in silence asking God to help you discern the season you are in and to know His appointed time. Journal God’s response then share it with a trusted friend for accountability.



About the Author

Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City.  She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at Info@JeannieO.com


At V1 Church we believe in teaching Bible-based relationship principles so that you can your family can be strengthened. Connect with us using one of the links below – we’d love to see you and help you walk through the process of reconciliation.


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