Before God Promotes You


Promotion from God is linked to a believer's spiritual growth. In a sermon series titled: “I Have Decided”, Pastor Mike Signorelli teaches that promotion is defined by God alone. Although many people define promotion in terms of financial or material gains, true promotion is about the prosperity of the soul. It is becoming more like Christ and being transformed into His image and likeness.

What Brings On Promotion?

Walking closely with God leads to elevation, if we observe the biological design of creation it is also based on growth. Our Creator desires to promote individuals. However, promotion in the spiritual realm requires desire and effort. True promotion involves becoming more like Christ, transforming one’s soul and aligning with God’s will.

In 2 Corinthians 3:18, the Apostle Paul explains that success in God's Kingdom is becoming more like Jesus. It is measured by how much one resembles Christ. Part of that success is the blessing of promotion. When an individual transforms into Christ's image, blessings will follow them rather than them chasing blessings.

Another essential factor in gaining spiritual rank is the believers' ability to forgive. Forgiveness is essential for promotion. In the story of Joseph, we see an example of how God turns harm into good for those who are faithful. Joseph's journey from being backstabbed by his brothers to becoming second in command in Egypt is linked to Joseph’s growth in God. When confronted with the choice to get revenge or forgive, he chose forgiveness. Holding onto bitterness can hinder God’s promotion. It is important to examine your heart and release the offenses from those who have hurt you.

There are various examples from scripture of those who were elevated by God. Enoch and Elijah are great examples of godly men who walked so closely with God that neither of them tasted death, they were raptured up to heaven.

Pastor Mike shared that Jesus' ascension and the promise of a rapture for the true believers also shows that God's desire is to take His followers higher.

God Always Promotes

Although some sets of Christianity teach monasticism, a religious way of life in which one turns from worldly gain all altogether; the V1 church leader maintains that true believers should be increasing in their financial and social aspects of life as well. Those various blessings are also a part of God’s promotion. Pastor Mike emphasizes that God always promotes and that there is no poverty in the scriptures.

When studying the word of God we are given examples of leaders who were demoted because they strayed away from sustained obedience to God and instead sought their own way. Isaiah 14:9 warns that leaders and kings who pursue self-promotion go down to the place of the dead.

Self-promotion leads to sorrow and demotion by God. Proverbs 15:24 gives instructions on how to avoid the place of the dead emphasizing that the path of life leads upward for the wise, highlighting the importance of seeking wisdom.

Three Snares That Prevent Promotion

There are three snares that the enemy often uses to prevent promotion: offense, temptation, and false relationships. When we unpack these traps we see that overcoming them requires radical obedience and true focus on your spiritual success, rather than material success.

The Snare of Offense:

The devil uses offense to trap individuals because remaining offended leads to bitterness and resentment. Christians are to forgive and love their enemies and pray for those who they get offended by. Many believers are offended within the church and that offense can trap individuals and prevent their spiritual advancement. It is vital to process an offense with God, seek peace with one another, and move forward.

Proverbs 19:11 states: “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” King Solomon was highlighting the glory of overlooking an offense.

The Snare of Temptation:

Every person is tempted. The Christ Himself was tempted by the enemy but He resisted temptation. Giving into temptation will lead one further away from the will of God. 1 Corinthians 10:13 assures every believer that God provides a way out of every temptation.

Pastor Mike points out that even animals learn to avoid traps, and humans should do the same with spiritual snares. A noted pattern before a promotion is temptation. Temptations often appear right before advancement, resisting them is crucial for your development.

The Snare of False Relationships:

Who you keep company with can hinder your furtherance in God. Proverbs 13:20 warns that walking with fools leads to harm, not wisdom. Fake relationships can lead to negative consequences, so Pastor Mike warns us to be cautious of relationships that don't reciprocate or bring value. Some relationships may need to be cut off. Promotion can often feel like loneliness and misunderstanding but separating yourself from toxic relationships to seek God, will be rewarded.

Sustained Obedience Precedes Promotion

The Holy Spirit leads God’s people, teaching us to rely on Him. Obedience to God is the engine of the train of blessings. Sustained obedience comes with the reward of advancement because obedience over time leads to blessings.

Radical obedience is necessary for promotion, and blessings follow sustained obedience. Radical obedience involves consistent actions over many years, eventually leading to visible blessings. It is important to remember that God's instructions must be followed faithfully, resisting offense, temptations, and false relationships for true promotion.



About the Author

Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City.  She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at


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